The Feast of the Cross Available for Amazon Kindle
Glory to God! With great joy, the Diocese announces the digital version of her publication, The Feast of the Cross, for Amazon Kindle devices, including iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and PC. This volume consists of eight chapters. After presenting the readings for these feasts, the next chapter contains a thorough introduction to the Feast by our beloved father, the Thrice-Blessed His Holiness Pope Shenouda III. The following chapters include various excerpts from historical accounts of the – …
On Wearing the Cross
The Cross of Jesus Christ is the joy and boast of Christians. By the Cross we were saved and by the Cross the demons are put to flight. Wearing the Cross on our person is a fundamental and simple way to keep Christ in our daily life and to fight the influence of the devil. Who wears the Cross and when? Infants and adults who are baptized in the Coptic Orthodox Church typically receive a small – …
Treasures of the Fathers: Eve of Good Friday of the Holy Pascha
The Jews, Judas, and Satan Let us see the course of the devil’s spite and the result of his crafty plans against Christ. The devil had implanted in the leasers of the Jewish synagogue envy against Christ, which even leads to murder. This disorder always leads, so to speak, to the guilt of murder. At least, this is the natural course of this vice. It was the way with Cain and Abel, and it clearly – …
Discipleship To Our Lord Jesus Christ: Following The Road Of The Cross
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Lk. 9:23) As we look at this biblical commandment said by our Lord Jesus Christ and mentioned in all the synoptic gospels (Matt. 16:24; Mk. 8:34; Lk. 9:23), we may find ourselves puzzled and at loss. As Orthodox Christians, we certainly want to follow our Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill His commandments in our lives, – …
Our Suffering Christ is the Powerful Christ
In the beginning of the month of April, the Church is preparing for Holy Passion Week. The Church actually sees in the sufferings of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the mystery of Her joy and happiness. Although we pray with a melancholy tune during Pascha Week, yet our hearts are exulted as we follow the Passion of the Savior, since we see the power and love of our Good Savior in His pain. Through – …