The Saint Athanasius and Saint Cyril Theological Library joyfully announces its first annual Great Lent Lecture series, "Fasting in the Desert: A Historical and Spiritual Examination of the Desert Fathers and the Applicability of Their Lives Today."
God willing, the Library has organized a series of six lectures on the Sunday evenings of the Great Lent at various churches throughout the diocese, following the Sunday evening prayer. The schedule of these lectures is as follows:
Feb. 14 | Lecture: "Life of St. Antony as the Life of Victory" by Father Daniel Habib at St. Mary and St. Athanasius Coptic Church, Northridge |
Feb. 21 | Lecture: "St. Pachomius and the Life of Discipline" by Father Kyrillos Ibrahim at St. John Coptic Church, Covina |
Feb. 28 | Lecture: "Scripture in the Writings of St Shenouda" by Mark Moussa at St. Mark Coptic Church, Los Angeles |
Mar. 7 | Lecture: "Abba, Give me a Word" by Father John Paul Abdelsayed at St. Marina Church, Irvine |
Mar. 14 | Lecture: "St. Macrina and the Church at Home" by Archdeacon Moses at St. Marina Coptic Church, Irvine |
Mar. 21 | Lecture: "Repentance in the Desert" by H.G. Bishop Serapion at St. Mercurius and St. Abraam Coptic Church, Torrance |
All of the lectures are offered freely with no admission fee. The diocese welcomes and encourages everyone to attend as many of these lectures as possible.
We pray that the Lord may bless this lecture series that it may be a source of spiritual nourishment and blessing to all who attend.