While 3% of the world suffers from chronic Hepatitis C, the prevalence in Egypt is 20% — far higher than that of any country. Egyptians everywhere in the world continue to suffer from this disease and are looking for better ways to combat the relentless virus.
Until now, the only treatment available is a combination of Interferon (injections) and Ribavirin (tablets). However, not only is Interferon difficult to administer, but it is also very toxic and patients experience severe side effects. Additionally, ~50% of patients do not respond to the medication and many cannot tolerate it, leading to treatment failure.
A new drug, which is not yet FDA approved, has shown promising results in a number of studies. It is a one-pill-a-day drug known as GS-7977 (Sofosbuvir) and, combined with Ribavirin, demonstrates powerful activity against Hepatitis C — all without the use of Interferon. A Los Angeles physician, Dr. Peter Ruane, has been performing Phase 3 clinical trials with this drug and is now preparing a trial exclusively for Egyptians (no injections involved). If this is something of interest to you, you should discuss with your doctor or you can contact him directly.
Clinical trials (Phases 1-3) test drugs that are not FDA approved. Successful Phase 3 trials are the last phase of trials and may lead to drug approval. In clinical trials, medication is provided without charge and in addition, a stipend may be given to participants to compensate for time and travel expenses.
To find out more, please contact his office.
Peter Ruane, MD Inc.
5901 W Olympic Blvd #401
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: (323) 954-1072 ext. 225 (Arabic line)
The research center will also begin opening on Saturdays for patients coming long distance.
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Disclaimer: The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles offers the foregoing as a public service announcement only. We do not have any connection with Dr. Peter Ruane and do not make any claims or guarantees concerning any aspect of this treatment.