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Summary of the Recent Elevations and Ordinations

The past month will be remembered as a unique time in the history of the Diocese in light of the various elevations and ordinations that have taken place. For those who missed the news, here is a summary:

Elevation of Metropolitan Serapion

Announcing the Consecration of Two Auxiliary Bishops

Elevation of Four Hegumens

Ordination of One Presbyter

Elevation of One Archdeacon

In total, therefore, His Eminence has announced the consecration of two auxiliary bishops for the Diocese, God willing, and laid hands and elevated or ordained four hegumens, one presbyter, and one archdeacon in the span of one week.

May God continue to add joy upon joy to our Diocese through the prayers of His Holiness the Pope, His Eminence the Metropolitan, and our newly elevated and ordained fathers in Christ.

Posted by Fr. Moses Samaan

March 15, 2016